The Mindful FIRE Podcast podkast

148 : Meditation : Practicing Self Compassion

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Join me for this short 10 minute guided meditation on self compassion. We're usually so very hard on ourselves so I hope you'll take this short break to practice a little kindness towards yourself.

Text Adam w/ comments or questions

PS: I am considering hosting my Life Envisioning Workshop publicly for the first time but I'm only going to do it if enough people are interested. Join Waitlist​

The Life Envisioning Workshop is all about

  • Creating space to think REALLY BIG about what you truly want and what's possible for you
  • Leaving with your own BIG vision for the next chapter of your life
  • Learning envisioning practices that put your brain to work to make your vision a reality
  • Meeting new friends who are also dreaming BIG and pursuing FIRE

If this sounds cool, JOIN THE WAITLIST to let me know you're interested.

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