The Mind Your Business Podcast podkast

Episode 706: Lessons Learned From Our Biggest Launch Yet

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

For today’s solo episode, I want to give my thoughts on our biggest launch yet that just wrapped up in June for my signature program, Business By Design! As you’ll hear, I gained a lot of insight on what worked very well and the things we will be doing again in the future. I also share my top regret from this latest launch, in the hopes that you learn from this experience, so make sure to listen until very end of the episode to get that lesson and something profound that I took from it.  

Regardless of where you are in your journey, try taking even just one thing I share, apply it to your next launch and promotion, and watch what happens! 

What resonated with you the most from this episode? I want to hear from you! Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @jameswedmore. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Why the debriefing process is the most valuable thing we do for all our launches and how I’ve learned to embrace it 

  • What to understand about launching and the way that I’ve redefined the word 

  • The goal I had for our free Rise of the Digital CEO Training and the feedback we’ve received on it 

  • How consistency is so powerful and what we’re seeing because of it as we go through the numbers on our latest launch 

  • The crucial role that you having trust as an expert will play the success you have in your marketplace 

  • What was interesting about the ads we ran this year versus last year

  • A significant stat we have about the number of BBD students that had purchased a lower-ticket product first 

  • A look at the text message campaign we ran with cold audiences that literally blew me away 

  • What we intentionally did in the open cart phase that led to amazing numbers for this launch 

  • Why a proper follow-up sequence is so important and some of the ways in which we did it for this launch 

  • A tough challenge faced during the promotion, a regret I now have and the big lesson that I took from it...and you can too 

For full show notes and links, visit: 

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