Metabolic Freedom With Ben Azadi podkast

#793 The WORST Foods Causing Chronic Inflammation & Decreasing Our Lifespan! with Brett Ender

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Today, I am blessed to have Brett Ender here with me. He is the co-founder and co-host of The Meat Mafia Podcast with Harrison Gray, exploring food and nutrition with guests. Ender is also the co-founder of Noble, a beef protein isolate.

In this episode, Brett discusses corporate dominance in the food industry, where profit often outweighs nutrition. He also emphasizes the financial benefits of healthier dietary choices and the importance of prioritizing protein intake. Despite his focus on animal products, he advocates for dietary flexibility. Lastly, he challenges misconceptions about agriculture's environmental impact, highlighting its relatively minor role compared to other industries.

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[07:40] Corporate Dominance and Regulatory Disparity in the Food Industry

  • Brett highlights how many large, publicly traded companies dominate the food supply chain. These companies prioritize profit at the expense of producing healthy, nutritious foods. Their focus on efficiency may lead to the proliferation of ultra-processed foods.
  • Brett discusses the discrepancy between government regulations on food options in public schools, where nutritious choices like whole milk are restricted while highly processed options are available. 

[12:30] Brett's Path to Healing Through Nutrient-Rich Diet 

  • Brett's journey with ulcerative colitis led him to reevaluate his diet. He made a conscious decision to prioritize nutrient-dense foods, particularly animal protein, as a means of healing.
  • Despite financial constraints, Brett opted for investing in high-quality, nourishing foods, rather than relying on medications. He emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of preventive healthcare through dietary changes, compared to the financial burden of hospital bills. 

[19:40] The Financial Benefits of Healthier Dietary Choices

  • Brett highlights the importance of quantifying the cost savings and benefits associated with making healthier dietary choices. 
  • Compare the cost of grass-fed meat at the grocery store versus fast food options like Taco Bell, as well as the financial savings from fasting.

[32:50] Prioritizing Protein Intake

  • Brett emphasizes the importance of simplicity for dietary choices. He suggests aiming for a gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight from animal products. 
  • By sticking to protein sources that you enjoy, you can establish a solid foundation for their nutritional intake without getting overwhelmed by sourcing or other details initially.

[39:35] Dietary Flexibility: Finding Balance Beyond 'The Meat Mafia'

  • Despite having a podcast called "The Meat Mafia" and sharing his healing journey with animal products, Brett acknowledges the importance of dietary flexibility. 
  • He mentions that while the majority of his calories come from animal products, he incorporates fruits, vegetables, and other foods prepared by his girlfriend. This highlights the idea that dietary approaches should be adaptable to individual preferences, tolerances, and circumstances.

[47:50] Rethinking Agriculture's Impact

  • Brett highlights the misconception that agriculture, particularly conventional methods involving confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs), contributes significantly to environmental issues. 
  • He points out that while there are concerns with agriculture, its impact pales in comparison to industries like energy and transportation. There is a need for a broader understanding of the various factors influencing environmental sustainability.



Resources from this episode: 

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*BonCharge: Blue light Blocking Glasses, Red Light Therapy, Sauna Blankets & More. Visit and use the coupon code KETOKAMP for 15% off your order.

*BON CHARGE products are all HSA/FSA eligible, giving you tax free savings of up to 40%

Beam Minerals: BEAM Minerals products are the perfect support for the keto/carnivore/fasting way of living as they won’t
break your fast, PLUS they taste just like water and will help you keep carb cravings at bay as you move into a fat-adapted state. Give BEAM Minerals a try today for an enhanced keto experience. Head to and use the coupon code AZADI for a sweet discount! 

Text me the words "Podcast" +1 (786) 364-5002 to be added to my contacts list. 

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Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Ben Azadi disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.


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