The Itch: Allergies, Asthma, Eczema & Immunology podkast

#100  🎉 100 Episodes of Allergy Education: Lessons from an Allergist & Patient

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
We’re celebrating 100 episodes and six years of The Itch Podcast! 

In this special episode, Dr. Payel Gupta and Kortney reflect on their journey—sharing insights from their experiences as a doctor-patient duo. Dr. G talks about how the podcast has influenced her as a provider, while Kortney shares how it has literally changed her life.

We also introduce The Journal Club, a brand-new series in which we unpack the latest journal articles in our famous, easy-to-digest style.

What We Cover in This Episode:
  • Why Kortney decided to share her story about allergies, asthma, and eczema.
  • Why Dr. Gupta became an allergist and how her personal journey shaped her career.
  • The impact of patient advocacy—why Dr. G is passionate about empowering patients.
  • The Itch Podcast's partnership with Allergy & Asthma Network and how it’s raising awareness and education.
  • Lessons from six years of podcasting—what we’ve learned from our guests, experts, and YOU, our listeners.
  • Introducing The Journal Club—a new series unpacking medical research in a simple and relatable way.

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