The Healthy Rebellion Radio podkast

Nicotine Pouches, Childhood Vaccines | THRR189

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News Topic:

Dr Malcolm Kendrick: We have a judgment (Part 1)

Show Notes:

Addicted to Nicorette

Snippet from episode 126 Dark Horse

Wouldn’t Put it Past ‘Em: The 228th Evolutionary Lens with Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying

Links to vaccine related X posts by @AaronSiriSG:

Chicken Pox



Pertussis (Whooping Cough)




Nicotine Pouches

Anonymous writes:

Nicotine pouches have taken the tech sales world by storm, as they have taken many worlds by storm. At first, you notice a coworker or boss lipping them, then at a team dinner after a cocktail or two you become curious and try one. Then you want a shared experience at work so you begin bumming some around the office with friends. Next thing you know you’re buying sleeves of them and using 4-6 a day…

Because of the little research on them, most info on nicotine is in relation to cigarettes or tobacco chew, which both of these things I would imagine are way worse and have many more chemicals and bad shit in them, and are linked to poor cardio vascular health and increase risk of stroke, cancer and clogged arteries. Beyond the addictive nature of nicotine, what major health risks am I inviting in by using these nicotine pouches? (The brand I’m using is Zyn). Am I potentially hardening or clogging my arteries? Or increasing my cancer risk? Mouth cancer or otherwise?

Weirdly enough I’ve actually noticed some potential health benefits of using them. My urge to drink alcohol has pretty much vanished. I would usually have a couple cocktails Thursday nights to unwind from the stressful week and get ready for the weekend, then continue drinking through the weekend having about 3-4 drinks a day (beer, wine or cocktails) to reward myself for the week. Now, I’ll go weeks without drinking at all, or maybe the occasional 2 lite beers a week or a glass or two of red a week. Before, once I had my first drink, I would continue to seek out more drinks (but usually never more than 4 or maybe 5). Now, if I have one or two I can easily walk away from booze. It’s like that little urge to seek more has just gone away. They have a similar effect on food, diminishing the urge to overeat or eat junk foods.

I know everything is a trade off. But to me it seems like swapping alcohol for nicotine pouches is a fairly positive trade off. But please let me know what you think, would love to know your thoughts on the potential negatives of these little lip pillows.


Prenatal/Childhood vaccines 

Maizy writes:

Dear Robb and Nikki, my boyfriend and I (28yrs old) (long time listeners) are expecting our first child at the end of summer! We are in Vancouver, Canada. There’s a lot of pressure and confusion around the vaccines for pregnant mama and baby. They especially want me to get a TDaP shot, antibiotics during labour (if I’m Strep B positive) and then there’s the Vitamin K shot at birth, the antibiotic eye drops, and then there’s the whole infant/childhood vaccine schedule… We are in over our head and don’t know what to do or believe. They put the fear of God into you. They basically tell you your baby might die unless you do the “recommended” protocol. We want to do the right thing and give our baby the healthiest start we can. But we didn’t get the Covid Jabs and have lost a lot of faith in the mainstream sick-care system. Seeking any advice. Thank you!



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