Change Made Easy podkast

"Building Anti-Fragile Confidence & Living With Arete" w Brian Johnson

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Unlock Your Heroic Potential with Brian Johnson

Join Paul Levitin and sit down with Brian Johnson, the visionary behind the Heroic Public Benefit Corporation, to explore self-mastery, the power of words, and living up to your full potential.

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Learn Brian's unique approach to personal development, drawing from the wisdom of philosophy, the discipline of behavior change coaching, and the journey of building market-leading platforms.

Topics Discussed:

00:00 Living Up to Your Fullest Potential

01:17 Welcome to Change Made Easy

02:12 Brian Johnson: A Profile in Heroism

03:47 The Power and Importance of Words

05:53 Cultivating Self-Confidence and Anti-Fragility

18:04 The Three Disciplines of Self-Mastery

44:40 Practical Steps for Living a Happier Life

Heroic App

Arete book

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