The Evolve Your Wedding Business Podcast: Marketing & Business Advice For Your Wedding Business podkast

Website Mistakes That Cost You Bookings: Expert Advice from Designer & Bride Emily Foster

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Ever wondered why your wedding business isn’t converting inquiries into bookings? Or website visitors into inquiries?

We’re breaking down some crucial insights with the help of Emily Foster, a seasoned brand and website designer who recently planned her own wedding and noticed a LOT of common problems vendors are making that cost them bookings.

Because Emily approached researching vendors with her experience as a website/brand designer and a bride, she shares practical strategies for enhancing client experiences with better branding and web design so you don’t scare off couples before they even inquire.

Making some simple changes to ensure you aren’t making these common mistakes is going to get you more bookings because it’ll make it easier to hire and work with you. Those changes can be enough to easily scoop up the bookings your competitors miss out on.

The show notes for this episode can be found at

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