The Epstein Chronicles podkast

The USVI And Their Motion To Intervene In The Maxwell/Epstein Estate Lawsuit (Part 2) (2/7/25)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In March 2020, Ghislaine Maxwell filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of the U.S. Virgin Islands against the Estate of Jeffrey E. Epstein, represented by executors Darren K. Indyke and Richard D. Kahn, as well as NES LLC, a New York Limited Liability Company. In her complaint, Maxwell sought reimbursement for legal fees and personal security costs, asserting that Epstein had repeatedly promised to support her financially. She claimed to have been employed by Epstein from 1998 to 2006, managing his various properties across the U.S. and internationally, and contended that the estate was obligated to cover her legal expenses arising from her association with Epstein.

Maxwell's lawsuit emphasized her denial of any involvement in or knowledge of Epstein's criminal activities, portraying herself as an innocent party entangled in subsequent legal battles. She argued that the financial support she sought was essential for her to defend against numerous civil lawsuits and criminal investigations linked to Epstein's alleged misconduct

In this episode, we take a look at the USVI's motion to interene in that lawsuit.   

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