English Like A Native Podcast podkast

Your English Five a Day #28.3

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

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E266: 🎙️ Welcome to The English Like a Native Podcast with me, your host, Anna. Join us for Week 28, Day Three of Your English Five a Day, where we delve into five vocabulary items each weekday to enrich your language skills.

😴 Come with me to the land of nod in today's episode, where it's all about getting a good night's sleep! We start off with the idiom "sleep like a log" and then go on to the adjective "shattered". We then explore sleep problems with the noun "insomnia", followed by another noun, "frequency". Finally, we delve into the adverb "soundly".

🛌 We wrap up with a story where insomnia takes centre stage, offering valuable insights and techniques for overcoming sleep difficulties. From establishing a calming bedtime routine to managing racing thoughts, discover practical strategies in today's story to improve your sleep quality.


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