Engineering Enablement by Abi Noda podkast

What’s up with internal developer portals? | Chris Westerhold (Thoughtworks)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

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This week’s episode is the recording of a live conversation between Abi and Chris Westerhold (Thoughtworks Head of Developer Experience). This conversation is useful for anyone early in their journey with developer portals or platforms: Abi and Chris discuss common approaches to solving these problems, pitfalls to avoid, building vs. buying, and more.

Mentions and Links

Time Stamps:

  • (3:09) Why there’s an increased interest in developer portals
  • (5:33) Chris’ background with dev portals
  • (6:37) Homegrown solutions for developer portals
  • (9:22) How developer portal initiatives begin
  • (11:24) Internal developer portal vs service catalogs and IDPs
  • (16:18) Mistakes companies make with developer portals
  • (21:05) Approaches to solving this problem
  • (24:28) How can developer portals drive value
  • (32:07) Common traps to avoid

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