The Eating Disorder Trap Podcast podkast

#179: Adultish with Dr. Charlotte Markey

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Charlotte Markey, Ph.D., is a world-leading expert in body image research, having body image and eating behaviors.  

She is passionate about understanding what makes us feel good about our bodies and helping people to develop a positive body image.

Charlotte loves to share her body image wisdom with others, and is an experienced book author, blogger, and professor at Rutgers University, Camden. 

We discuss topics including:

  • The reasons Adultish was written

  • Body image being central is to all of us

  • Body image impacts self care, sexual relations, activities, and how it’s interconnected to all of these topics and many others

  • The challenge in writing this book

  • The importance of the book being evidence based




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