The Divorce Survival Guide Podcast podkast

Episode 274: Aimee Says: AI Support for Victims and Survivors of Domestic Abuse with Anne Wintemute

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Anne Wintemute, Co-Founder of Aimee Says, joins me on the podcast this week. Aimee is an AI-powered advocate for victims and survivors of domestic violence. This fascinating and powerful AI tool helps individuals gain the support and validation they need. We uncover how Aimee can act as your advocate and lower the barrier to access vital resources. More than just a Google search, Aimee operates in multiple languages and is a groundbreaking initiative for empowerment.  I am endlessly fascinated by this tool’s ability to identify and address the complex needs of those it serves and I cannot wait for you to listen to this episode! Featured topics: Anne's motivation behind launching Aimee Says (5:22) How Aimee supports individuals from recognizing abuse to achieving recovery, including its role in safety planning (10:05) Aimee's multifaceted approach: AI-driven support, insights from human engineering, and specialized responses for survivors (14:23) How Anne and her team ensure Aimee delivers trustworthy and secure guidance (15:46) Exciting plans for Aimee, including expanding AI capabilities and forging strategic partnerships to enhance support for survivors (25:33) Learn more about Anne Wintemute: Anne Wintemute is the Co-Founder and CEO of Aimee Says, an AI companion for victims and survivors of controlling partners. When she's not working to hold perpetrators accountable, Anne can be found tending her urban farm or playing with her kids in Denver Colorado.  Resources & Links: Private Coaching with Kate Phoenix Rising: A Divorce Empowerment Collective Aimee Says is an AI companion for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Never before has instant, free, comprehensive support been at the fingertips of anyone impacted by a current or former partner's controlling behaviors. Aimee Says is committed to empowering survivors as they seek safety and healing for themselves and their loved ones and pursue accountability for their perpetrators. Get support and start healing with Aimee. Episode Link: DISCLAIMER: THE COMMENTARY AND OPINIONS AVAILABLE ON THIS PODCAST ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY AND NOT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING LEGAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD CONTACT AN ATTORNEY, COACH, OR THERAPIST IN YOUR STATE TO OBTAIN ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR ISSUE OR PROBLEM.

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