The Development by David Podcast podkast

#114 Dr Robert Glover - Being a Nice Guy is Killing Your Love Life

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Dr. Robert Glover is a renowned therapist, coach, and author with over 40 years of experience in relationships. He wrote the bestselling book "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and has helped thousands of men worldwide improve their relationships, careers, and sex lives. Dr. Glover opens with addressing the problem of being a Nice Guy, providing a raw and honest perspective on the challenges and triumphs of breaking free from this toxically ashamed pattern. He defines modern masculinity and femininity and addresses common misconceptions about attraction across the sexes. This episode promises to be a game-changer for men seeking to improve their relationships and live more authentic lives. Whether you're a man grappling with Nice Guy tendencies or simply curious about relationship dynamics, this conversation with Dr. Glover is sure to provide valuable insights and actionable advice. And is a hell of a good laugh too. Dr Glover is just an A star guest. A total expert in his field and has story for days. He will be back on the show no doubt. We went for nearly 2 hours and only stopped because his lawyer chapped his door. Find Dr Robert Glover, and his support, at - Find me - Support the podcast -

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