The Dan John Podcast podkast

EP 262 - Rite of Passage, Best Hypertrophy, Ab Workouts, Skinny Fat, KB Swings & More

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
00:57 - Rite of Passage Program at 65
08:56 - 10,000 Swing Challenge and Similar Protocols
14:19 - Teaching Youth Athletes to Throw
18:38 - Planning a Strongman-Style Workout for Teenagers
24:03 - Balancing Running and Kettlebell Training
27:22 - Using the 2-3-5-10 Ladder for Hypertrophy
30:35 - Connection Between Physical Fitness and Spiritual Fitness
35:17 - Daily Ab Workouts
45:29 - How to Fix Skinny Fat

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