FILM & TV - The Creative Process & One Planet Podcast podkast

There’s another side to every war. Satire, War & Hollywood - Co-creator DON McKELLAR on The Sympathizer

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Do przodu o 15 sekund
Co-writer · Executive Producer · Co-showrunner of HBO’s The Sympathizer I think it's central to the message of the show and of the book. This idea that there's another side to every question. That's the central quandary. There's this problem with the whole Vietnam War. It's saying to Americans, at least put yourself on the other side, the Vietnamese side, and then recognize that that side also has two sides and then within that, there are further divisions. And if you do that, I think what it's proposing is that you have to step back. It forces a sort of objectivity and humility, and it asks you to step back and allow the bigger human questions to resonate.

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