The Chewjitsu Podcast podkast

Episode 307 - One Thing All Of The Best Competitors Do (Q&A)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

On this episode of the podcast, Chewy and Eugene answer some listener questions.

  1. What is one thing that all great competitors do?
  2. How to deal with a coach who acts like a “needy ex”?
  3. Should you compete in the Adult or Masters division as a 35 year old hobbyist?
  4. What is the proper etiquette for rolling with a disabled grappler?
  5. How to improve in BJJ with an unpredictable and sometimes limited training schedule?

Thanks to the podcast sponsors:

Charlotte's Web CBD.

Head over to and use the promo code Chewjitsu30 to get 30% off of your total purchase.

Epic Roll BJJ.

Check out and use the promo code Chewjitsu20 to get 20% off of your total purchase.


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