The Windup: A show about Baseball podkast

The Roundtable | Why are pitcher injuries on the rise, Cardinals adjusting to modern baseball & the A's moving to Sacramento

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Welcome to The Roundtable! Each week, we will yammer about the biggest topics/stories in MLB. The Athletic's Cardinals writer Katie Woo is sitting in with Grant and Andy this week. They talk about why the amount of pitcher injuries is on the rise, the Cardinals trying to adjust to modern times and the A's moving from Oakland to Sacramento. -Follow Grant on X/Twitter: @GrantBrisbee -Follow Andy on X/Twitter: @ByMcCullough -Follow Marc on X/Twitter: @MarcCarig -Follow Katie on X/Twitter: @katiejwoo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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