The ADHD Skills Lab podkast

Eric Tivers: How to build a strategy-based life with ADHD

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

“My first diagnosis was lazy… I told my mum, my teacher thinks my name is ‘Don’t-Eric’.” This was Eric Tivers' experience growing up with undiagnosed ADHD. In the years since, he qualified as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and ADHD coach, produced over 500 episodes of the ADHD reWired podcast and won numerous awards for his work along the way.
This week, he joins Skye to share his incredible expertise. The pair discuss playing to your strengths, recognising what you’re not so good at, and how to build a strategy-based life around your ADHD. You won’t want to miss this one!

The ADHD Academy:
Unconventional Organisation:

Skye here!

We've helped 500+ professionals with ADHD reach their goals.
If you'd like to learn how to achieve your goals with ADHD, here are 2 ways we can help you...

1. Get started now with my free playbook on how to set goals you can achieve. - Click Here

2. Book a free 15-minute focus session with me to break down your goal, identify your biggest barriers, and take the next step. - Click Here

Together, let's set your goals into motion!

Skye (MA, PG Cert)
Former Academic and Founder of Unconventional Organisation

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