Tempo Talks Podcast podkast

TT 030 | Pain is common, but it isn't normal w/ Dr. Aaron Stares

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

We are excited about this one! Recently we sat down with Dr. Aaron Stares, Physical Therapist at Performance Republic in San Antonio, TX. Dr.Stares is someone both Ryan and Aaron have leaned on during times of injury. Through ihis expertise, he has moved us toward healthier, injury free running. This episode is loaded with nuggets of wisdom that you can use to help you become a healthier, more durable runner.


We are giving away THREE FREE sessions to see Dr. Stares, in person or via virtual consultation (Skype, Zoom, etc.) Here's what you have to do::

Share a screenshot of this episode on Instagram. Be sure to follow and tag @tempotalksaaron, @ryanmiller34, and @performancerepublic. You have to tag and follow to be entered into the contest. We will announce the 3 winners on social media on October 22nd. 

For everyone else that does not win, if you book a session with Dr. Stares before January 1, 2022 you will receive a 25% OFF discount. Just mention Tempo Talks Podcast when you call in to book your appointment.

Connect w/ Dr. Aaron Stares & Performance Republic!

Performance Republic Instagram

Performance Republic Website

The Healthy 210 Podcast

The Performance Republic YouTube

Call 210-338-0073 for a consultation 

Connect w/ Us!

Aaron's Instagram

Ryan's Instagram

Tempo Talks Podcast Group on Strava 

Aaron's Strava 

Ryan's Strava 

Podcast Gear:

AudioTechnica Mic: https://amzn.to/3auk9d7

AudioTechnica Headphones: https://amzn.to/3dtwG2t

Boom Arm: https://amzn.to/2NyFQjg

*The above links are Amazon Affiliate Links. These links do not cost anything extra to you, the purchaser, but they do support our channel with a commission.

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