TechZing podkast

394: TZ Discussion - Falling off the Wagon

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Justin and Jason discuss Areli's recent gymnastics struggles, Colby's go-kart project, how Justin has been organizing a conference for his day job and his new idea for implementing styling palettes in Lightwave, Jason's project superhero updates, his new back rehab program, and why he's interested in sprinting again, how and why Justin has fallen off the weight-loss/workout wagon, the development of Math Academy's annual plan, the problem with pausing accounts, and why they've decided to re-prioritize the Methods of Proof course, the movie The Family Plan, how Taylor Kitsch became such an underrated actor, and why Jason continues to recommend the series Bosch / Bosch Legacy. Artwork by Join our Discord, chat with us and fellow listeners!

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