Tearsheet Podcast: Exploring Financial Services Together podkast

How FIs can ride the AI wave and build for a fragile customer with Suzy’s CEO Matt Britton

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
This conversation with Suzy’s Matt Britton really rose above the noise and allowed me to look at the financial services industry as an interconnected whole, as a mechanism that is alive and complex. It's the kind of perspective you can lose when you report on niche developments day in and out. In this podcast, Britton takes us on a step by step inspection of a lot of the things we have come to take for granted: the rise of BNPL, Gen Z’s complicated relationship with money, and also how AI is going to impact sectors like wealth management and restructure how we recruit, train and strategize around talent. Britton is an example of a man that not only has his finger on the pulse but is also able to condense the many and sometimes conflicting signals the market and the industry gives, into a cogent outlook. It's a conversation that will urge you to stop and take stock, and one that also spotlights how FIs can make the most of an industry and consumers that are in flux right now.

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