Tara Brach podkast

The Three Refuges - Gateways to Belonging and Freedom

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

We all need ways to guide our attention that allow us to find wisdom, love and freedom in the midst of our lives. This talk reviews three archetypal gateways—Buddha/awareness, Dharma/truth, and Sangha/loving community. Through teachings, guided meditations and a traditional refuge ritual, we engage together in bringing alive these pathways to healing and peace.


In this video, Tara explores:

  • Spiritual practice as a journey of remembering our inherent goodness and reconnecting to what truly matters.
  • The Three Refuges—Buddha (awareness), Dharma (truth), and Sangha (community)—as pathways to peace and belonging.
  • The difference between false refuges, like seeking approval or blame, and true refuge found in presence and self-compassion.
  • How the RAIN practice (Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture) transforms challenging emotions into spacious awareness.
  • The power of widening our circles of belonging through vulnerability, active listening, and embracing shared humanity.

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