Tapping Q & A - Getting the most out of tapping and EFT podkast

Why empaths struggle with boundaries and how to tap for stronger ones (Pod #608)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Something I really love about the people I work with is their tendency to see the bigger world outside of themselves. They recognize the people in their lives who are struggling and in pain, and they also want to do something about it.

As wonderful as it is to want to help others, it can mean that we become known for being a helper, and the requests become increasingly frequent and demanding of our time and energy.

The next thing we know, we are helping everyone else to the point that we neglect our own needs and our lives, meaning we need to do the tough work of creating stronger boundaries.

If you are someone with an empathetic nature, creating and maintaining boundaries is even harder.

This week in the podcast, we explore how being a helper can turn into a full time job, how to create new boundaries, and why putting boundaries in place is particularly difficult for empaths.

We also spend time tapping to make it easier (even for empaths) to create boundaries.

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