Talent and Growth - The Talent Acquisition Podcast podkast

Episode 247: How To Pitch Candidates with Yakub Zolynski, VP People at XYZ Reality

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

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Today we welcome Yakub Zolynski, VP People at XYZ Reality.


  • You need to have a hook in your pitch.
  • Assessing cultural fit requires real examples from candidates.
  • Headhunting is crucial for maintaining recruitment quality.
  • Creating a unique candidate experience can lead to higher acceptance rates.
  • Transparency in communication is key during tough times.
  • Closing candidates requires ongoing communication and understanding.
  • Indecision in hiring can lead to missed opportunities.
  • AI is transforming the recruitment landscape.
  • The talent pool is expanding with remote work options.
  • Being open-minded about talent sources can give a competitive edge.

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