Sustainable Wine podkast

Launch of the SWR Sustainable Viticulture Protocol

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Sustainable Viticulture Protocol Launch Webinar

On July 9th, the Sustainable Wine Roundtable (SWR) proudly unveiled the ‘SWR Sustainable Viticulture Protocol’ to an enthusiastic virtual audience of wine professionals. The webinar launch was moderated by Dr. Peter Stanbury, Research Director, SWR, who introduced the protocol and its objectives.

Environmental practices in the vineyard, particularly the use of chemicals like herbicides, fungicides, and fertilisers, are critical issues in wine sustainability. While organic and biodynamic methods have gained popularity for their reduced chemical use, they are not the only paths to achieving sustainability. Our new protocol seeks to reorient viticulture practices, emphasising the reduction of chemical inputs and the adoption of regenerative techniques.

The development of the Sustainable Viticulture Protocol stems from a year’s worth of dedicated work focused on addressing the sustainable use of vineyard chemicals supported by SWR members Treasury Wine Estates (USA), Ste. Michelle Wine Estates (USA), VSPT Wine Group (Chile), Cloudy Bay (New Zealand), and Hochschule Geinsenheim University (Germany). This protocol is not merely about reducing chemical usage but also about reshaping viticulture practices to inherently require fewer chemical inputs. It builds on the success of the Bottle Weight Accord, which has driven significant industry-wide action towards reducing bottle weight.

Read more here.

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