Press X podkast

Ready at Dawn CLOSED, Tango Gameworks REVIDED + Borderlands BOMBS at the Box Office

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Press X

Join the Press X Discord: 


Questions from Discord: 

  • Joe: Forgive me as I'm not sure if I even know what this question means, but which Mario character has the most aura? 

  • brasop: What's everyone's favorite co-op experience been? I've started the Borderlands series with my brother in online co-op and having a great time. And now that the original Doom 1 & Doom 2 re-release is out, we're swapping between that and Borderlands; it's been awesome so far. 

What we’re playing:

Mary: Final Fantasy 16 ✅

John: Ys V (finished), Dragon Quest III

Greg: Apex Legends 

Brett L:  CFB 25, Ratchet and Clank 

Brett M: BONER JAMS ‘98

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