Spooky Tuesday - A Horror Movie Podcast podkast

You're Next (2011): "Hunger Games for WASPs" ft. Joey Medina

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Spookies, you've been asking us to cover this one for a while — but maybe we were just waiting to find the right guest to bring home to meet the family. This week, we're covering You're Next (2011) with Joey Medina, a queer horror lover and journalist we met a few months back. We're coming together for one special night as we tackle one of the big movies in the mumblegore genre, pay homage to final girls everywhere, and point out all the CLEAR references to movies like Scream, Home Alone, The Strangers, and more. 

Follow Joey Medina on Instagram and Twitter. You can learn more about him on his website and check out some of his work on Collider





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