Spooky Tuesday - A Horror Movie Podcast podkast

30 Days of Night (2007): "30 LAYS of Night"

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Hold up — did we just travel through time? Somehow, it is simultaneously both January and Novembleak as we cover Josh Hartnett's 30 Days of Night (2007), this month's second entry into WWVVSDE (Werewolf vs. Vampire Seasonal Depression Event). Messy time-keeping might just be the theme of the episode too, especially as we take on a monster movie where the premise is that those nocturnal bloodsuckers of legend don't just have a few hours to hunt their prey, they've got four full weeks. Originally meant for the screen and then turned into a comic book and then adapted back for the screen, this story definitely had a vision, and we're ready to discuss how well it stuck the landing on a new Spooky Tuesday. 







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