Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast podkast

Mastering Time and Impact: The Art of Crafting a Powerful Podcast with Limited Hours

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Ever felt like time is the tyrant holding you back from launching your passion project? Banish that belief as Tony Gyenis, a spirit coach and Tuning Fork master teacher, joins us to reveal the secrets that allowed him to weave his expertise in Feng Shui and Soma Energetics into a podcast that fits into his bustling life. Tony's story of crafting the perfect podcast episode—a harmonious blend of his professional knowledge and personal commitments—is an inspiration to anyone feeling the crunch of the clock. Our conversation is a treasure trove for those looking to create impactful, concise content that resonates with listeners and doesn't require an open-ended time commitment.

Connecting to Spirit and the energies that surround others are just two of Tony Gyenis’s many abilities. He understands how to move energy like a stream moves water, and works with his clients to give them the energetic assistance they need. Never doubting Spirit and the instructions given to him, Tony is a true messenger of divine energy.

Tony pursued a formal education in Feng Shui, with the intention to share what he learned with others, spreading prosperity. This pursuit then led him to learn other crafts, such as Vibrational Healing Sound Therapy, Angel Therapy, and Mediumship with Doreen Virtue. Today he is the only Tuning Fork Master Teacher in Canada that we know of to teach under SomaEnergetics and believes that self-empowerment is our natural state.

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Raising Your Spirits

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Podcast Jumpstart Bootcamp
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Thursday May 8th 10a - 1p

BONUS #1 A copy of the e-book, 10 simple steps to launching your podcast
BONUS #2 15 min

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