Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast podkast

Mastering Podcast Growth: Automation, Engagement, and Marketing Insights with Alex Thoric

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Unlock the secrets of keeping your podcast top-of-mind with the wizardry of marketing automation, as we unfurl innovative strategies with our guest, Alex Thoric. As a Taekwondo master and marketing guru, Alex brings a unique perspective on building systems that work tirelessly for you, blending his passion for martial arts and soccer with his acumen for business growth. Our conversation is a goldmine for content creators looking to strike the perfect balance between their craft and their marketing efforts, ensuring their voice resonates with audiences well beyond the air date.

Step into the realm of effortless podcast promotion, where the right tools and tactics make all the difference. From the nuances of Zapier simplifying your podcast distribution to the wisdom of focusing on a single social media platform, this episode is brimming with actionable advice. We also tackle the importance of content repurposing to amplify engagement, setting the stage for a growth spurt in your podcast's reach. And if you're itching to jump into the podcasting fray or eager to suggest a guest who could enrich our discussions further, reach out and join the vibrant community we're cultivating. Follow our journey on LinkedIn and Twitter for the freshest updates, and never miss a beat in the podcasting world.

Alex Thoric is the founder of  a marketing agency Thor Marketing and Co-Founder of a marketing agency called Thor Marketing, and Co-Founder of  Building Income on Demand.  A digital marketer that had a great experience working with different industries such as spa, gyms, coaches, consultants, real estate, and restaurants and helping them grow their customer list. He's a big sport fan. Holder of a 2nd Dan black belt in Taekwondo, practicing it for the last 14 years and even had his own school. His goal is to help local businesses create marketing systems and automations as well as help create content to make business owners life easier and more fulfilling than it is right now.

Connect with Alex

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