Communication, Connection, Community: The Podcasters' Podcast podkast

Competition Myth Pt Two: In Regards To Competition It's All About YOU, with Bernie Franzgrote

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Ever felt like you're shouting into the void, struggling to be heard among the cacophony of podcasters? Bernie Franzgrote joins us with a message of hope: The podcasting 'competition myth' is just that—a myth. Embrace the synergy of your unique narrative, as Bernie, a master of creating connection through storytelling, shares his transition from co-host to forging his own path in the podcasting universe. We tackle the early challenges that come with this audible journey, discussing how to find confidence in your content's value and the joy in competing with yourself to foster personal growth.

Bernie Franzgrote is a Synergy Architect…co founder of  Kreativ Insight Consultants, which connects people and ideas to other people. He’s also the host of the Knack 4 Business podcast, cohosted by Goal & Life Coach Wayne Pratt…The podcast is an extension of what they do daily in business…and he’s also the cohost of the Property Wizard Podcast with real estate expert Fred Crouch.  His journey into podcasting started with Fred..and it’s expanded to being a sought after guest, as well as host of his own show…however, that’s not how the journey started.

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Knack 4 Business Podcast
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Bust through the myths, and get podcasting!

Podcast Jumpstart Bootcamp
Get the tools you need to be podcast ready!
Thursday May 8th 10am - 1pm
Here's what the bootcamp will cover:

  • Show Strategy (format, what it's about, target audience)
  • Basic Launch Roadmap (launch date, timeline)
  • Content For Your First 5 Episodes( templated for you to customize)
  • Time Optimization Strategies (strategy for recording, editing, promo

Plus the templates, tools and tech you need to get your show started!

BONUS #1 A copy of the e-book, 10 simple steps to launching your podcast
BONUS #2 15 minute Podcast strategy call with me, Carl Richards
Podcast Jumpstart Bootcamp

Got a question about something you heard today? Have a great suggestion for a topic or know someone who should be a guest? Reach out to us:

[email protected]

If you're ready to take the plunge and join the over 3 million people who have joined the podcast space, we'd love to hear your idea and help you get started! Book your Podcast Strategy Session today:

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