Sound Investing podkast

Is it time to sell?

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An investment advisor and long time podcast listener recently wrote to Paul: “By any stretch of the imagination this market (S&P 500) is expensive. Back in 1987 you took your clients to cash or very near cash. Do you feel that that today is the same situation? I’ve never market timed in my career, but today fells like the time to do it if there ever was a time.” Paul discusses what really happened in 1987. He follows that with sharing parts of two blogs by Ben Carlson, CFA and author of the blog, “A Wealth of Common Sense.” Paul also shares the latest predictions for 2022 from two of the most respected financial institutions in America. Hopefully, it will help investors deal with the question: is it time to sell? Happy Thanksgiving!

Ben Carlson’s articles referenced in this podcast:

"Two Things That Are Both True

"Perma Arguments

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