Social Protection Podcast podkast

Emerging Trends in the Indo-Pacific Series Ep. 1 | The Evolution of SP in the Pacific

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

This episode will explore the ways social protection has evolved in Pacific Island countries, starting with provident funds to the slow growth of lifecycle schemes for the elderly and people with disabilities. It will then look at how the COVID-19 crisis and the impacts of disasters and climate change have changed the way Pacific nations are thinking about social protection. 

This episode will ask, how do governments see the social protection landscape evolving in the future? Will countries continue to take a slow and gradual approach, focused on incremental growth of lifecycle schemes? Or has the growing interest from development partners and the growing pressures of climate change shifted priorities and approaches? 

This marks the inaugural episode of a three-part series focusing on emerging trends for Social Protection in the Indo-Pacific, presented by We extend our gratitude to the Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for their invaluable support in shaping this series and facilitating connections with the most suitable guests for each episode. 


Meet our guests:

  • Veremo Muria, Director, Fiji’s Department of Social Welfare (MWCSP) 
  • Shirin Gul, Technical Specialist for Social Protection, Kiribati's Ministry of Women, Youth, Sports and Social Affairs (MWYSSA) 
  • Karishma Houda, Team Leader, Partnerships for Social Protection (P4SP) 

For our Quick Wins segment, we are joined by Lisa Hannigan, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Australian Government/Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Lisa discusses the significance of dignity in social protection, drawing from discussions and publications on the subject.  


Quick Wins 

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