Made For Living Well podkast

#348: Three Non-Negotiables Required For Health

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Do przodu o 15 sekund

I’ve spent more than a minute in the health space. I’ve tried my fair share of extremes. At one point, I even quit health altogether. While I don’t discount any part of that journey, I can’t help but wish I’d known ten years ago what I know now: the three non-negotiables required for health.

A few years ago, after “quitting health,” I realized something important: I still wanted to be healthy. It wasn’t my desire for health I was over. I was over the approach we’re told to take to get there. Through years of research, experimentation, and frustration, I uncovered a truth that’s radically changed my perspective:

The problem isn’t you—or your body. The problem is the system you’re trying to use to get healthy.

You might be thinking, I’ve changed my approach, tried different things, and still, nothing changes. I get it. But here’s the thing: nearly every approach to health—even when wrapped in positivity—stems from the same flawed foundation, restriction, deprivation, and scarcity.

Sure, some approaches focus on addition, like crowding out the bad with the good. While that’s better, our skewed understanding of what it takes to get healthy often twists even the best intentions into forms of restriction. And this, my friend, is what needs to change.

Because health doesn’t thrive in restriction, health grows through expansion.

In this episode, I’m breaking down the three non-negotiables for health—the principles that will shift you from surviving in restriction to thriving in expansion. I’ll also share one simple way to get started living this approach today.

Listen to today's episode to learn more:


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