SHE  with Jordan Lee Dooley podkast

Getting Back to Natural Beauty in a World of Unrealistic Beauty Standards

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

It's no surprise that our current culture pushes unrealistic expectations of beauty.

From the relentless messaging that we get telling us we need to change our figure, hair, skin, and clothing to the pressure to use extreme beauty treatments or follow the latest trends, the secular view of beauty is hurting us physically and emotionally.

But what does the Bible tell us about beauty? How can you care for your beauty in ways that are not harmful to your body?  

What does it look like to steward and care for your beauty and body in a God-honoring way? What does a countercultural approach to beauty look like on a practical level?

That's what this episode explores as Jordan brings you into a conversation about returning to natural beauty in a world of unrealistic (and unhealthy) beauty standards.

Tune in to learn:

  • What the Bible has to say about beauty
  • The dangers of modern culture's unrealistic beauty standards
  • The difference between vanity and honoring our femininity
  • How to care for our bodies from the inside out first
  • How to prioritize safer and more natural options for beauty treatments
  • What it looks like to take a countercultural approach to beauty

Want to dig deeper? Check out these resources mentioned in this episode:

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