Seriously Mysterious podkast

Who is Vandy Jane Doe?

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
A body is found dressed in several pieces of clothing from a nearby university, but there are no students missing or unaccounted for.  Who is Vandy Jane Doe and when will she get her real name back?

If you have information, please contact the Metro Police Department Cold Case Unit at 615-862-7329.  If you need to remain anonymous for any reason you can also contact Crime Stoppers at 615-742-7463.

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This episode written by The Certified Roarikle and John Lordan, produced by LordanArts.

This is not intended to act as a means of proving or disproving anything related to the investigation or potential charges associated to the investigation.  It is a conversation about the current known facts and theories being discussed.  Please do not contact people you are suspicious of or attempt to harass, threaten or intimidate them in any way. Do not release information that can be used to do the same, or join in attacks being conducted by others.

Everyone directly or indirectly referred to is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

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