Secret Sonics podkast

#208 - Overcoming the Curse of Perfectionism

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Are you constantly chasing the elusive "perfect" mix or agonizing over every tiny detail in your productions? In this episode, Ben and Carl share their hard-won insights on overcoming perfectionist tendencies that can stifle creativity and slow progress to a crawl. They share practical strategies for breaking free from the perfectionist's curse, trusting your instincts, and embracing the imperfections that make music magic. 

Topics we discuss:
  • Why striving for perfection can be the biggest obstacle to finishing strong mixes
  • How to recognize when perfectionism is masquerading as procrastination
  • The surprising upsides of working with imperfect audio in the early stages of your career
  • Why imposing strict deadlines could be the secret to banishing perfectionist paralysis for good
  • The liberating power of the "80% mix" mindset for nailing vibe and avoiding overthinking

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This episode with edited by Gavi Kutliroff -

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