SAP and Enterprise Trends Podcasts from Jon Reed (@jonerp) of podkast

Workshopping gen AI creativity III - with Barb Mosher Zinck

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In the final segment (for now) of our Workshopping Generative AI creativity series, Barb Mosher Zinck joins the show to reveal what she sees as a practioner - and as diginomica's lead digital marketing writer. This is Zinck's first time appearing on Jon's show, but the two have debated content strategy for years, resulting in Jon's longer dbook on informed B2B buyers (which Zinck edited). Today, Zinck joins the live show to elaborate on her notable blog post, "Is content creation the best use for generative AI in marketing?" After discovering that Twitter/X borked the live stream, Jon breaks down what he's learned on gen AI and creativity to date, and a discussion of the lessons behind Barb's blog post ensues. You can see the post at:

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