Sales Influence Podcast podkast

Level Up Your Questions - Sales Influence Podcast - SIP 534

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Uncovering Decision-Making Processes

🔍 To level up sales questions, ask "who else is involved" in the decision-making process and walk through the approval steps, including timeframes and sign-offs, to gain valuable insights and manage expectations effectively.

🏢 In B2B sales scenarios, typically 6-9 people are involved in decision-making, making it crucial to uncover the entire approval chain to avoid miscommunication and set realistic expectations.

Improving Question Quality

💡 The quality of questions asked during sales conversations is critical for gaining valuable information and selling effectively, requiring salespeople to constantly evaluate if they're asking the best questions to close deals.

Structuring Sales Conversations

🔢 To enhance question quality, start with a simple yes/no question, then ask "who else is involved," and finally walk through the approval process to uncover the entire decision-making chain and gain crucial insights.

Leveraging Insights for Sales Success

📊 By understanding the client's approval chain, including steps, timeframes, and sign-offs, sales professionals can use this information to manage expectations and close deals more effectively.

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