Sales Influence Podcast podkast

Building Virtual Rapport and Connecting with Customers | 442

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund


  • Starting virtual meetings effectively is crucial for establishing positive connections and setting the tone for the entire interaction.
  • Start meetings by sharing your opinion first to encourage participation from small groups.
  • Engaging participants in virtual meetings by setting a structured format and leading by example encourages contributions and prevents awkward silences.
  • Encourage smooth virtual interactions by designating speaking turns to avoid awkward overlaps during discussions.
  • Keep meetings casual and fun to foster connection and encourage participation.
  • Engaging participants with a structured sharing approach enhances interaction in virtual settings.
  • Building virtual rapport is essential for encouraging participation and creating productive meetings in sales.
  • Great speakers prioritize making their clients shine rather than seeking personal recognition.


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