Roxy's Ride & Inspire RAWcast - Mountain Bike & Mindset Podcast podkast

Is the MTB Mantra "Speed is your friend" true? Why it may NOT help women! #023

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

In my daily job as a MTB skills coach and instructor trainer I hear SPEED IS YOUR FRIEND a lot - and while it does have its truth, it also has its limits and dangers. In this episode I talk about why it may help, why and when it won't, why it can cause mountain bikers to plateau and crash, and how you can improve your skills without having to crash or "balls"/courage. 

I also answer these and more questions: When is speed your enemy? Which maneuvers/features/trails require speed? Why is braking more impressive than being able to bunny hop? Is a fast rider a skilled rider? What do I work on with advanced riders? Why will women not be able to use "speed is your friend" as often as men? Is courage the trick to progress? 

Here's the video about "how to wallride" I mention in this episode:

Here's my FREE track stand course: 

Here's my FUNdamentals course: 

Here are all my home training courses with proven, easy-to-follow drills to learn and develop the movement patterns you need for technical trails in a SAFE learning zone right on your doorstep, before you risk trying them on trails: 

Did you know this podcast is not monetized? 

In contrast, it actually costs me money and time, as I need to pay for hosting and spend a lot of time researching, recording, editing and publishing it.
😍 If you would like to help me keep doing so, then you can become a Patron and/or buy me coffee here:

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