Risk Parity Radio podkast

Episode 348: Portfolios For 11-Year Olds, Basic Return Stacking, And A Fama-French Kerfuffle

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
In this episode we answer emails from Marco Esquandolas, Adrian and Paulo.  We discuss portfolio advice for a precocious 11-year old, a simple return-stacked portfolio a la Corey Hoffstein and the priority of the Simplicity Principle, and some recent articles about the Fama-French database.


Corey Hoffstein Talking About His Return-Stacked Portfolio:  Show Us Your Portfolio: Corey Hoffstein (youtube.com)

Paulo's Bloomberg Article:  A Fight Over Factor Investing Tests a Pillar of Modern Finance - Bloomberg

Summary Critique of Fama-French Database Issues:  ftalphaville.ft.com/content/2e87e7f9-c2ad-4dcb-afc3-2a0f8d0a6ca3

Fama-French Response Paper:  Production of U.S. Rm-Rf, SMB, and HML in the Fama-French Data Library by Eugene F. Fama, Kenneth R. French :: SSRN

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