Risk Parity Radio podkast

Episode 317: Motorin' With Leveraged Fund Analyses And Tax Reporting Of Gold ETFs

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In this episode we answer emails from Blake, Brown and Christian.  We discuss new research into the long-term performance of leveraged funds, other gambling problems and the tax reporting of gold ETFs.


Blake's Backtest:  Unleveraged TQQQ (portfoliotree.com)

Blake's Article:  ⚠️ Leveraged ETFs ⚠️. Why They Sell Themselves Short | by ETF_Guy | Jan, 2024 | Medium

Corey Hoffstein's Return Stacked ETFs:  Home - Return Stacked ETF (returnstackedetfs.com)

Ben Felix Video on Leverage:  Investing With Leverage (Borrowing to Invest, Leveraged ETFs) (youtube.com)

Christian's Link re GLDM Tax Data:  World-Gold-MiniShares-Tax-Data-12-31-22-Final.pdf (spdrgoldshares.com)

GLDM Prospectus:  doc-viewer (ssga.com)

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