Reskillience podkast

Voluntary Extinction with Annie Raser-Rowland

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Would you pick up a schoolkid’s half eaten apple and eat it?

Annie Raser-Rowland would, while shining a lopsided smile to passersby.

Annie is the radical wordsmith behind the bestselling The Art Of Frugal Hedonism and The Weed Forager’s Handbook, co-authored with the equally-and-proudly-as-stingy Adam Grubb.

This is one helluva conversation that covers:

🌟Why to be even weirder

🌟Rubbing frugality pheromones on your significant other

🌟Starting work at 3am

🌟Engaging teenage goth mode to deal with chronic health challenges

🌟Embracing voluntary extinction

🌟Leaving room for the more-than-human

🌟The plight of a brushtail possum in our wall.

Lap it up!


The Art of Frugal Hedonism (revised edition!)

The Weed Forager’s Handbook

Permaculture Principles ~ who sell ethically published books and have a wealth of free educational materials.

Melliodora Publishing

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(I’m loving this 🌟emoji which makes me feel like I’m doing a great job. You’re doing a great job too 🌟🌟🌟)

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