ReInvent Healthcare podkast

What Doctors Are Taught About Blood Sugar Puts People In Danger

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Are your clients—or even you—missing the early red flags of blood sugar imbalance? In this eye-opening episode of Reinvent Healthcare, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo exposes the shocking myths conventional medicine still teaches about blood sugar. If you think fasting glucose under 100 means you’re in the clear, think again.

What if your so-called “normal” blood sugar is silently setting the stage for heart disease, nerve damage, and other irreversible complications? Discover why fasting glucose is the last marker to change and how hidden markers like post-meal blood sugar spikes and insulin resistance are causing damage long before a diabetes diagnosis.

Learn the truth about continuous glucose monitors, overlooked lab markers, and game-changing strategies to protect your body and your clients from long-term damage. Click now to uncover the truth—and take control before it’s too late!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:

  • The critical dangers of fasting glucose over 90—even before reaching the "diabetic range."
  • Why conventional medicine ignores the early signs of blood sugar imbalances.
  • The importance of additional markers like insulin levels, hemoglobin A1C, and C-reactive protein.
  • How CGMs can help track blood sugar responses to food, exercise, and stress.
  • The truth about hormone-hacking breakfasts and how they set the tone for stable blood sugar all day.
  • Simple steps to empower your clients—or yourself—to reverse insulin resistance and avoid long-term damage.

Resources and Links:

Check out other podcast episodes on metabolic health here

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