Regulate & Rewire: An Anxiety & Depression Podcast podkast

How to Unblend & Unburden (Parts Work Series, Pt. 2)

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Episode 78

Ever feel at war with yourself? Ever find yourself frustrated that you overreacted or that you've again turned to a less than ideal way of coping? In IFS this is called being "blended" - this is when a particular part (usually a younger wounded or protective part) of you has taken over, influencing your thoughts, emotions, and actions, so much so that it feels as if you are that part. 

Today we're talking about how to "unblend" to put your regulated self back in the driver seat of your mind, body and life. Today's conversation builds on last week's part 1 of our Parts Work conversation. Hit play to learn more!

Here's the 3 takeaways:

  1. Our parts are often the coping strategies we’ve developed in response to difficult experiences. They are a welcomed part of our internal system, we just don’t want them running the show.
  2. Unblending is the process of separating our authentic self from these reactive parts, allowing you to respond to situations with more clarity and compassion. Unburdening involves helping these parts release the heavy emotions or beliefs they carry, creating more harmony and flexibility in your internal system.
  3. Successful healing requires an integrated approach, mind and body, psychology and physiology. If you’re looking for this kind of support, I’d love to hear from you.

Want to learn more about parts work/IFS? Here's some other introductory resources:

Looking for more personalized support?


Email: [email protected]



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