Rebel Buddhist podkast

Deep Seeing of Others and Ourselves

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

This week we’re talking about the Deep Seeing of others - and ourselves. Deep Seeing helps us create more authentic and connected community, and a more enriched daily life. We’ll debunk the idea that what we DO is who we ARE, and jam on how to get to the core of other peoples’ essence (and our own). Plus, I’ll give you some ways you can practice deeply seeing and understanding others starting today.

You will learn:

// Why we often reduce others' identities (and our own) to what we DO, and how we can dive deeper in every interactions

//How Deep Seeing makes life way more interesting on the daily (and I’m all about not being bored more than necessary;) 

// How we can shift our focus from what people DO to who they ARE and their lived experience

// How deep seeing can transform our relationship with others and ourselves - and our communities

// Ways we can practice deep seeing and wise attention in our daily lives - starting today.


// Episode 71: How to Find Your Purpose

// Episode 134: What You’re Meant to BE

// Episode 178: The GIft of Wandering - Exploring Our Purpose

// If you want to dive more deeply into this practice and all the juicy goodness for a life of inner and outer freedom that it offers, some join me in my NEWEST program, called No Regrets.

Get on the waitlist at, and if you get your name on that, you’ll be the first to know when early registration opens later this month, with special early bird rates, extra bonuses, and first dibs on the limited-capacity in-person retreat at our epic phat pad on the Big Island of Hawaii…and more.

// If you want to dive deeper into this Soul-level work and create a life of more freedom, adventure and purpose, head over to It’s got everything you need in one place to build a foundation for a lifetime of self-exploration and freedom.

// If you’re new to the squad, grab the Rebel Buddhist Toolkit I created at It has all you need to start creating a life of more freedom, adventure, and purpose. You’ll also get access to the Rebel Buddhist private group, and tune in every Wednesday as I go live with new inspiration and topics.

// Have you benefited from even one episode of the Rebel Buddhist Podcast? I’d love it if you could leave a 5-star review on iTunes by clicking here.

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