Newsquawk Rundown, Daily Podcast podkast

US Market Open: European assets hit by EU election results, USD continues post-NFP gains

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
  • European bourses are entirely in the red, with sentiment hit amid political uncertainty in Europe whereby the centre-right strengthened its majority although the far-right made gains; US equity futures are marginally softer, with the RTY underperforming
  • Dollar is firmer in a continuation of post-NFP strength, EUR is hampered by political uncertainty
  • USTs are flat and resilient to the downbeat mood in European peers; OATs underperform after French President Macron calls for a snap election
  • Crude is softer after spending much of the European morning in the green, XAU is flat and base metals gain
  • Looking ahead, US Employment Trends, Chinese Money Supply, Supply from the US

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