Radical Stepmoms podkast

Season 4: Episode 17: Evolving as a stepmom and what we learn along the way with guest, Brenda

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund
Christina welcomes Brenda, the founder and Publisher of StepMom Magazine on to chat all things stepmom. Not only has Brenda become a seasoned stepmom, but she's made it her mission to help others through their journey. What commonalities do we all have? How do we know it will be "worth it"? Brenda discusses the most common issue stepmoms face, and offers her piece of advice. Listen In!  About My Guest:  Brenda Ockun is Founder & Publisher of StepMom Magazine—the how-to guide for any woman who dates, lives with, or is married to someone who has kids. Written by licensed therapists, published authors and stepfamily experts, StepMom Magazine is a monthly, online publication read by stepmoms in more than 20 countries. The magazine addresses important topics like: Co-parenting, Disengaging, Loyalty Binds, Outsider Syndrome, Parental Alienation and Bonding with Stepchildren. Brenda leveraged her career as a marketing executive to launch StepMom Magazine, creating the resource she wished was available when she met her husband. Brenda’s been a guest on NPR’s “Talk of the Nation,” “Good Morning America” and the “Steve Harvey Show”—and she’s been quoted in “The Washington Post,” “USA Today” and other major publications. A stepmom of two, ages 26 and 28, Brenda lives in Upstate New York with her husband Gregg. So much more than a podcast!!! Instagram: @radicalstepmomspodcast  Want to schedule a 1:1 session or become a Radical Member?  Head to my website! www.radicalstepmomspodcast.com  **This episode is sponsored by StepMom Magazine. Use discount code: Radical20 to save 20% **

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