Proof to Product podkast

347 | State of Product Industry Survey with Katie Hunt

Do tyłu o 15 sekund
Do przodu o 15 sekund

Every day, I hear from product-based business owners who are curious about other people's business models, revenue streams, team structure, tech stack, how much revenue they're not only earning but what profit they're taking home, and how much they're paying themselves. 

Although we know that every business is different, it is completely natural to want to see behind the scenes and the curtains of another brand in your industry. But more than ever, it's more than curiosity now. We know that our product industry has experienced major shifts over the last several years. 

We've had supply chain issues, rising costs, and labor shortages. Everyone has been pivoting and recalibrating, and that has led to a lot of new normals. We're experiencing an entire shift in the industry and I know you wanted to know what was happening in the industry. 

My team and I put together an industry-wide survey. We had 925 product-based business owners who anonymously shared their business details with us. 

Today, we’re going to dive into the details on the podcast. 

You can view full show notes and more at 

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